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Quasimap Theory Winter 2024

Time and location: Mondays 2-3:30pm, Linde 387

Organizer: Song Yu

The goal of this learning seminar is to survey the theory of quasimaps and its applications. Here is a tentative list of topics:

  • The basic theory and constructions of quasimaps
  • Wall-crossings and mirror symmetry
  • Connections to other enumerative theories

Here is a list of references:

Here is a tentative schedule:

Date Topics References
1/8 Introduction - quasimaps to toric varieties [CK5, CK1]
1/15 Quasimaps to GIT quotients [CKM]
1/22 Genus-zero wall-crossing and mirror symmetry [CK2]
*1/29 No meeting - Miami conference
2/5 Genus-zero wall-crossing cont'd, I-functions [CK2, CK4, CCK]
2/12 Higher-genus wall-crossing for semi-positive targets [CK3]
*2/19 No meeting - President's Day
2/26 (by Thorgal Hinault) Wall-crossing for general targets [Z]
3/4 Quasimaps and LG/CY correspondence [CR, CIR, RR]
3/11 Abelian/nonabelian correspondence [BCK, CKS, W, CLS]